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Your financial support will create a ripple effect of transformation for generations to come
Unrestricted donations
Unrestricted donations will be allocated by the Board of Directors to fulfill the mission of the Golden Thread Initiative, creating world peace by increasing access to women’s and girls’ self-development and education programs worldwide. Restricted donations can be made towards academic scholarships and GTI Startup Expenses.
Academic Scholarships donations
GTI’s mission includes funding Consciousness-based Education programs for women and girls around the world. Your donations will support women students to awaken the full potential of their creativity, intelligence, resiliency and happiness while simultaneously earning academic degrees or certificates.
Academic Bachelors degree in Thailand
We welcome you to contact us if you need more information to make donations.
Please contact us to discuss options regarding donations of stock, real estate, or other types of assets, including bequests.
Contributions to GTI are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. GTI’s tax identification number is 84-3311761.
On November 15, 2021 GTI launched a campaign to raise $300K USD for four young Thai women to attend college and become teachers for at-risk girls.
GTI is excited to announce its first Winter Giving Campaign. Our goal is to raise $300,000 USD to send four young Thai women from disadvantaged backgrounds to a 4-year undergraduate degree program offered by Rajapark Institute in Thailand. After graduating, they plan to return as qualified teachers at the K-12 boarding school that took them in as children. The school supports hundreds of Thai girls who face extreme poverty and hardship.
This giving opportunity is a stepping stone to expanding women’s dignity, power, and influence in Asia, one of the most populous regions in the world.
How to Contribute
- By check payable to: Golden Thread Initiative, PO Box 1506, Fairfield, IA 52556.
Please note “Thai BA campaign” on your check or credit card transaction.
If you’d like to make a large donation and save the amount that goes into credit card service fees, please contact us by email: donations (at)
We’re excited to report that before the end of our fiscal year in June 2021 we made our first round of grants. Since the establishment of the Golden Thread Initiative in October 2019, we’ve been in the start-up phase laying the foundation to accomplish our mission. Even though we haven’t yet begun fundraising activities, GTI received more than $30,000 in donations during the past two years, of which $15,012 was allocated for grant making in fiscal year 2020-21.
These grants, to be used for charitable purposes, were inspired by the full time participants in the Mother Divine program, as well as by women wanting to receive training in advanced programs for self-development or to attend retreats and educational courses.
The $15,012 grant making budget was allocated in the following way:
- 65% was awarded to the operating expenses of the Mother Divine Program according to the number of full-time participants in each location worldwide
- 10% was awarded to construction of facilities for the Mother Divine Program
- 15% was awarded to academic scholarships
- 5% was awarded to short courses for women’s self development
- 5% was awarded to advanced TM courses for women
Due to time constraints in processing grant requests, some of the grants were disbursed in 2021-2022.

In April 2021 we received IRS approval of our application for 501(c)3 status. Contributions to GTI are now tax-exempt in the USA. This is an important milestone as we prepare to connect with visionary philanthropists who share our mission to create world peace through the empowerment and enlightenment of women and girls everywhere. Please join us for the exciting next steps by subscribing to our updates.